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development & writing


Historical (In)Accuracy
Comedy Series

Pilot Script

A group of history buffs, method actors, and failures find their worlds colliding at a Historical Reenactment Village where they struggle to balance their passions with living in the present, all under the watchful eye of an overbearing boss obsessed with historical accuracy.


Dramedy Series

Pilot Script
Pitch Deck

Hometown-hero LEO and undiagnosed-narcissist ARIANA return from failed pursuits in their respective big cities to their small-town roots, where they attempt to break away from their incapacitating depression and anxiety with a “misery loves company” romance.

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Detective Trufflé
2D Adventure Series

Series Bible
Pilot Script

In a culinary centric world, a food detective with a super sense of taste and smell must balance his ego and diet while tracking down criminals, both big and small.

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Animated Feature
Full Script

A lonely Jewish preteen creates her own mythological companion: a 15-foot golem. As she tries to build her confidence with her new friend, they face prejudice, ignorance, and an ice giant with a taste for blood.

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Avi and Lola
2D Preschool Series
Series Bible

From the outside, step-siblings Avi and Lola's world might seem small, but with the exciting cast of characters that work in the strip mall where they live, they are never short of fun things to do and learn.

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